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What is a turkey choke

Today let’s talk about turkey chokes and patterning your turkey gun. When it comes to turkey hunting, using the right choke can make all the difference in a successful hunt. A turkey choke is a specialized type of choke that is designed specifically for turkey hunting. By using a turkey choke, hunters can more accurately control the spread of their shot and improve their chances of a successful shot on a turkey.
In addition to using a turkey choke, patterning your turkey gun is also crucial. Patterning is the process of testing your shotgun and choke to see how they perform with different loads and shot sizes. By patterning your shotgun, you can determine which type of choke and load works best for you and your hunting conditions. This information can then be used to improve your accuracy and increase your chances of a successful hunt.

Types of Turkey Chokes
In turkey hunting, choosing the right choke is crucial in ensuring the accuracy and success of your shot. There are various types of turkey chokes available, each with different levels of constriction. The level of constriction determines the spread of the shot, with tighter constrictions providing a more focused shot and looser constrictions giving a wider spread. There are also various material options for chokes, including steel, aluminum, and titanium. Popular brands of turkey chokes include Winchester, Remington, and Carlson’s, to name a few. Each brand offers a range of options, from extended chokes to those specifically designed for turkey hunting, so it is important to research and choose the best option for your specific hunting needs.

Patterning Your Turkey Gun
We’ll be diving into the crucial aspect of turkey hunting: patterning your turkey gun. Patterning is the process of testing your shotgun’s performance at various distances to determine the spread and density of shot. This is crucial from a distance in turkey hunting as turkeys have excellent vision and can quickly identify anything out of place. So a perfect pattern is a must!

A properly patterned shotgun can help increase the chances of a successful hunt by ensuring that the shot will hit the bird where it counts. Patterning helps hunters determine the effective range of their gun, ensuring that they are shooting at the right distance and hitting the bird in the right spot. Usually at the head to limit waste to the meat.

To pattern your gun, you’ll need to shoot at a target from various distances, usually ranging from 20-40 yards. This allows you to see how your shots are spreading and how dense the pattern is. Based on the results, you can then adjust your choke or ammunition to get the desired pattern.

It’s recommended to pattern your gun at the longest distance you expect to take a shot, usually around 40 yards. This ensures that your gun is capable of reaching out and hitting a bird if needed.

Patterning your turkey gun is an essential step in preparing for a successful turkey hunt. By testing your shotgun’s performance, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt and make sure that your shots are hitting the bird where it counts.

Choosing the Right Turkey Choke
Choosing the right turkey choke is important as it affects the pattern of your shots. Some of the factors to consider when choosing a choke are the type of ammunition you will use, the distance of your shot, and the type of hunting you will be doing.
Recommended chokes for different hunting situations
Different hunting situations require different types of chokes. For example, if you are hunting in an open field, a tighter constricted choke may be more effective as it allows for longer shots. On the other hand, if you are hunting in dense cover, a more open choke may be necessary to provide a wider spread.

Test different chokes and loads to find the best fit
The best way to find the right choke for your hunting situation is to test different chokes and loads. This can be done at a shooting range or in a controlled environment. This way, you can see how each choke performs with your specific gun and ammunition, and choose the one that provides the best pattern for your hunting needs.

Maintaining Your Choke
It is important to regularly clean and maintain your turkey choke to ensure that it functions properly and lasts for many hunting seasons. A dirty choke can affect the performance and accuracy of your gun. To clean your choke, use a soft cloth or brush to remove any dirt, debris or powder residue. Make sure to lubricate the choke threads and O-ring to prevent rust and corrosion.
Storing your choke
When not in use, it is recommended to store your choke in a safe, dry place away from moisture and extreme temperature changes. This will help to prevent rust, corrosion, and damage to the choke. Consider storing your choke in a protective case or a designated area in your gun safe.

Replacing a worn choke
If your choke has become worn, or damaged, it is important to replace it. A worn choke can affect the performance and accuracy of your gun, making it difficult to harvest a turkey. Regular inspections of your choke and replacing it when necessary is an important part of maintaining your hunting equipment and ensuring success in the field.

In conclusion, turkey hunting is a unique experience and choosing the right choke and patterning of your gun is a crucial part of being successful. It is important to understand the various types of turkey chokes, their constriction levels, and material options available. Patterning your gun is equally important, as it helps you understand the spread of your shot and choose the right choke. Factors such as hunting distance and hunting style should be considered when choosing the right choke, and it is recommended to test different chokes and loads to find the best fit. Regular cleaning, maintenance, and proper storage will ensure the longevity of your choke and continued success in your turkey hunting adventures. In summary, mastering the art of turkey chokes and patterning will lead to successful and enjoyable turkey hunting experiences.
What is a turkey choke and why is it important for hunting?
A turkey choke is a device that attaches to the end of a shotgun barrel by screwing in and is used to control the spread of shot, making it more effective for turkey hunting.

What are the different types of turkey chokes and which one is best?
There are several types of turkey chokes, including improved cylinder, modified, improved modified, and extra full. The best choke for turkey hunting depends on individual preferences and hunting conditions.

How do I pattern my turkey gun to determine the best choke and load?
To pattern your gun, you’ll need to shoot at a target from various distances, usually ranging from 20-40 yards. This allows you to see how your shots are spreading and how dense the pattern is.
Can I use a choke from another brand or gun on my turkey shotgun?
In most cases, no. Chokes are specific to each brand and gauge of shotgun, so it’s important to choose a choke that is compatible with your shotgun.
How do I maintain and clean my turkey choke to ensure it stays in good condition?
Regular cleaning and maintenance, such as removing debris and oiling moving parts, can help extend the life of your turkey choke. Additionally, it’s important to store your choke in a dry, protected place to prevent corrosion.

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Turkey mouth calls for beginners

Using a Turkey Mouth Call

If you’re a new turkey hunter, or just looking to impress your hunting buddies with your turkey calling skills, learning how to use a turkey mouth call is a must. A turkey mouth call is a hunting call used to imitate the vocalizations of a turkey. It consists of a latex reed stretched across a horseshoe-shaped frame that is placed in the mouth to create various sounds and calls to attract the birds. These calls are commonly used in turkey hunting and are an important part of the hunting strategy. The different types of sounds made include yelps, clucks, purrs, and kee-kees, and each serves a specific purpose in attracting and luring turkeys. To use a mouth call, the hunter must place it in their mouth and manipulate the reed with their tongue to create the desired vocalization. In this blog, we’ll dive into the basics of how to use a turkey mouth call and the different sounds you can make with one. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, understanding how to use mouth calls is an important step in becoming a successful turkey hunter.



In order to effectively use a turkey mouth call, it’s important to start with the right call. Woodhaven Calls are known for making some of the best mouth calls on the market, but there are plenty of other brands to choose from as well. When selecting a call, consider your level of experience and the type of hunting you’ll be doing.


In addition to a mouth call, you’ll also need a few essential tools and gear to make the most of your turkey hunting experience. A good set of binoculars, and a hunting vest are all important pieces of equipment that can help make your time in the field more enjoyable.


Mouth calls are a great choice for hunters who want to be able to quickly and quietly switch between different sounds on the fly. Unlike box calls, mouth calls don’t make a lot of noise when you’re carrying them, making them ideal for stalking or calling birds that are close by. If you’re looking to add a new dimension to your turkey hunting skills, learning how to use a turkey mouth call is a great place to start.

Basic Techniques


Once you’ve got your gear and mouth call ready, it’s time to start learning the basic techniques for using it effectively. To place a mouth call into your mouth, start by finding a comfortable position with your lips and teeth. Next, take the diaphragm of the call and place it against the roof of your mouth, ensuring that the straight edge is facing forward. You want to create a tight air seal, so make sure your tongue is lightly pressed against the reed or reeds.


To yelp, push air through the gap between the top of your tongue and the reed while making a “chick,” “chirp,” “chop,” or “chalk” sound with your lips. It is important to practice this technique regularly in order to perfect your yelping skills on a mouth call. Remember, each hunter may have a different word that they prefer to use, so find what works best for you. Just make sure your yelps sound like they would if they were coming from a real turkey!
To cluck on a turkey mouth call, start by fitting the diaphragm against the roof of your mouth, with the straight edge facing forward, and creating a tight air seal. Then, place your tongue lightly against the reed or reeds. To make a cluck, you will say a word such as “pock” or “puck” while pushing air between the top of your tongue and the reed.


To create a more realistic cluck, make sure to use sharp, concise movements of your lips, just as a turkey would when clucking. To make other turkey sounds such as purring, cutting, and cackling, you can experiment with different combinations of clucks and yelps, and add variation and rhythm to your calling to mimic the sound of a turkey.
Fall turkey hunting season calls for different calling techniques compared to other seasons. A common call used by hunters in the fall is the “kee-kee” or “kee-kee-run”. The goal is to imitate a lost young turkey trying to reunite with its flock. To produce this call, hunters need to place more pressure on the reed with their tongue and say “pee-pee-pee”, with the notes rising to convey a sense of urgency. To add the “run” element, the call is followed by saying “chalk-chalk”. This specific type of calling requires careful consideration and mimicking of the turkey’s behavior, making it an important aspect of successful fall turkey hunting.

Once you’ve got the basic yelp and cluck down, you can start working on creating a more realistic call with variation. To make your call sound more like a real turkey, experiment with different tones, pitches, and tempos. You can also try adding different vocalizations like cutting, cackling, or kee-kee-ing to your call, to make it sound more like the real thing. The more you practice, the more confident and effective you’ll become at using a turkey mouth call.

Advanced Techniques for Using A Mouth Call

The Art of Mimicking Turkey Sounds

Are you ready to take your turkey calling game to the next level? If you want to make more realistic turkey sounds, then it’s time to learn about purrs, cutts, and cackles. These sounds can be achieved by using different techniques with your mouth and tongue, such as fluttering your throat or adding more pressure to the reed. It’s all about experimenting and finding what works best for you.

Enhancing Your Decoy Setup

When it comes to using mouth calls, adding sound to your decoy set up is a great way to increase your chances of success. By incorporating various calls into your decoy placement, you can create a more convincing turkey scene, which in turn can draw in wary birds.

Rhythm and Timing is Key

Finally, to effectively use a turkey mouth call, it’s important to understand the significance of rhythm and timing. The key to successful calling is to mimic the natural rhythm and patterns of real turkey sounds. This takes practice and a lot of listening to real birds, but the pay off is worth it. So, get out there and start practicing with your mouth call today!

Common Mistakes When Using a Turkey Mouth Call


Overcalling can be a big issue for turkey hunters using mouth calls. When using a mouth call, it’s important to avoid overusing it, as this can make the turkey wary and less likely to come in.


Lack of variation is another common mistake when using mouth calls. To create a more realistic call and attract more turkeys, it’s important to incorporate different sounds and rhythms into your calling. Remember its all about rhythm and timing. Try to mimic another hen and talk back.


Using a mouth call out of context is another mistake that can negatively impact your success when hunting turkeys. To increase your chances of success, it’s important to understand the behavior and vocalizations of the turkey you’re hunting and to use your mouth call accordingly. Call based off the turkey’s behavior.

Tips for Success using a Mouth Call


Regular practice is key when it comes to learning how to use a turkey mouth call effectively. By repeatedly using your mouth call, you can develop your skills and refine your techniques.


Seeking advice and guidance from experienced turkey hunters who use mouth calls can be incredibly helpful in your pursuit of success. Listen to their tips and tricks, and incorporate what you learn into your own hunting strategies. Pick your favorite youtube channel and try to mimic the sound’s they make while watching their hunt.


To be successful with a mouth call, you must be attuned to your surroundings and adjust your calling techniques accordingly. Pay attention to the environment, the behavior of the turkeys, and other factors that can impact your calling efforts. With the right combination of practice, learning, and situational awareness, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of the mouth call. Becoming better doesn’t happen over night. Be sure to practice all year if you want to become the best.


In conclusion, using a turkey mouth call can greatly enhance your hunting experience and bring you one step closer to success. By following the key points discussed in this article, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use a turkey mouth call, as well as the techniques and tips needed to master it. Remember to practice regularly, seek advice from experienced hunters, and always be aware of your surroundings. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to incorporating mouth calls into your hunting routine. For those who are eager to learn more, there are plenty of resources available online and in print that will provide additional insight and guidance. So, don’t be afraid to dive in and try out these techniques – you never know, it might just make all the difference.


How do mouth turkey calls work?
Mouth turkey calls work by replicating the sounds of a turkey through vibration and air pressure. When you shape your mouth and use your tongue and lips, you can create a realistic turkey call that can attract real turkeys.
How often should I use a turkey call?
How often you use a turkey call depends on the hunting situation. You want to use a call sparingly and only when necessary to avoid overcalling, which can turn off turkeys. Listen to your surroundings, pay attention to the birds’ behavior, and adjust your calling accordingly.
How long can you use a turkey mouth call?
How long you can use a turkey mouth call depends on the quality of the call and how well you take care of it. High-quality mouth calls can last for several hunting seasons with proper maintenance and storage.
How do you use a turkey mouth call for beginners?
Turkey mouth calls can seem intimidating at first, but with some practice and patience, anyone can learn how to use them. It’s essential to choose the right call for your needs and understand the basic techniques, such as mouth positioning and control, yelping and clucking, and adding variation to create a realistic sound

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Turkey Calls 101

Turkey hunting is a popular sport that has been enjoyed by hunters for centuries. One of the most important tools in a turkey hunter’s arsenal is the turkey call. Turkey calls are used to mimic the sounds of a wild turkey in order to attract them. They come in various shapes, sizes, and types, and choosing the right call can be a bit overwhelming. In this article, we will be discussing some of the most popular turkey calls and what makes them unique.

A turkey call is a device or instrument used by hunters to mimic the sounds of a wild turkey. These calls are used to attract and lure the turkey within shooting range, allowing hunters to successfully bag their prey. The calls are typically made of various materials such as wood, slate, or rubber and come in different shapes and sizes.

Importance of Turkey Calls in Hunting

Turkey calls play a critical role in hunting wild turkeys. A successful turkey hunt requires the hunter to be able to accurately mimic the sounds of a wild turkey to attract their attention. These calls are used to imitate the sounds of a hen or gobbler, which will in turn draw the turkey to the hunter’s location. It is crucial to use the correct call for the situation and to use it correctly. A turkey hunter who understands the importance of turkey calls, the different types of calls, and how to use them correctly, has a better chance of success.

Overview of the Different Types of Turkey Calls

There are several different types of turkey calls that are used by hunters. These include box calls, slate calls, diaphragm calls, mouth calls, and pot calls. Each type of call has its own unique sound and is best suited for specific situations. Box calls are popular among hunters because they are easy to use and produce a loud, realistic sound. Slate calls are favored for their ability to produce a soft, seductive purr that mimics the sounds of a hen. Diaphragm calls are small, lightweight, and highly portable. They are made of rubber or latex and are inserted into the mouth to create the sounds of a turkey. Mouth calls are similar to diaphragm calls and require the user to control the sound with their mouth. Pot calls are versatile and can produce a wide range of sounds, making them a popular choice among hunters. To be a successful turkey hunter, it is important to understand the different types of turkey calls and know when to use each one.
Mouth Calls
How they work
Mouth calls, also known as diaphragm calls, are a type of turkey call that uses the hunter’s mouth to produce the desired turkey sounds. These calls are made of a thin, flexible piece of latex or silicone material that is placed in the hunter’s mouth and vibrated by air from the lungs to produce turkey calls. Mouth calls are a popular choice among hunters because they allow for hands-free operation, making them ideal for use while hunting with a firearm.

Popular brands
Some of the most popular brands of mouth calls include Primos, Knight & Hale, and WoodHaven. Each brand offers a variety of call designs and materials to choose from, allowing hunters to find the call that works best for them.

How to use them
Using a mouth call requires practice and proper technique to achieve the desired turkey sounds. Hunters start by placing the call in their mouth and vibrating their diaphragm to produce a cluck, yelp, or purr. The key to using mouth calls effectively is to produce consistent, realistic turkey sounds that mimic the calls of a wild turkey. Hunters should practice regularly to master their technique and perfect their calling abilities.

Box Calls

Box calls are a traditional and classic type of turkey call. They consist of a box-like chamber and a paddle that is used to strike the sides of the box to produce different sounds. The box is made of a variety of materials such as wood, acrylic, or metal, and the paddle can be made of wood or other materials. Box calls are versatile and can produce various sounds, making them a popular choice among hunters.

How to Use Box Calls:

Box calls are relatively easy to use and are a great choice for beginners. To use a box call, the hunter holds the box in one hand and uses the paddle to strike the sides of the box, producing the desired sound. The sounds produced by a box call can be adjusted by changing the speed, pressure, and angle of the paddle. To create a clucking sound, the hunter moves the paddle quickly across the sides of the box, while to produce a yelp, the hunter moves the paddle slower and with more pressure.

Best-Selling Box Calls:

Some of the best-selling box calls on the market include brands like Primos, WoodHaven, and Knight & Hale. These brands are known for producing high-quality, realistic sounds that attract turkeys, making them popular among hunters. Additionally, they offer different models, finishes, and styles to suit different hunters’ preferences and needs. Ultimately, choosing the best box call depends on personal preference and the specific needs of the hunter.

Slate Calls

Overview of slate calls
Slate calls are a type of turkey call that are made from a thin piece of slate material, typically mounted on a wooden or plastic box. These calls produce a high-pitched, sharp sound, which makes them a popular choice for many turkey hunters. The sound is created by friction between the slate surface and a wooden striker, which is used to create the sounds of a turkey hen.

How to use slate calls
To use a slate call, hunters must first select the call they want to use and determine the type of sound they want to make. Next, they must find the right spot on the slate call to make the desired sound, and then use the striker to create the sound by rubbing it back and forth against the slate. Hunters must also practice their calling techniques to perfect their skills, so they can produce the right sounds to attract turkeys.

Best-selling slate calls
There are many popular slate calls on the market, but some of the best-selling brands include Primos, Knight & Hale, and H.S. Strut. These brands offer a range of slate calls with different types of sounds and designs, allowing hunters to choose the call that is best suited to their needs. Whether you’re looking for a high-pitched yelp or a soft, coaxing purr, you’re sure to find a slate call that will suit your needs.

The Art of Calling

Understanding turkey language:

To be successful at turkey hunting, it’s essential to understand the language of the wild turkey. Turkeys use different calls to communicate with each other and express their emotions. By understanding these calls, hunters can use them to attract or lure turkeys into their hunting area.

Calls and their meanings:

There are several different calls that turkeys use, including clucks, yelps, purrs, cuts, and cackles. Each call has a specific meaning and purpose, such as a cluck being used to signal feeding time, or a yelp being used to signal a hen looking for a mate. It’s important for hunters to know when and how to use each call to effectively mimic the turkey’s natural language.

How and when to use different calls:

The timing and frequency of turkey calls are critical factors in attracting turkeys. Hunters should call often in the early morning and evening, but decrease the frequency as the day progresses. Experimentation with different calls and timing can help hunters find what works best for them and their hunting area. A versatile and realistic call that can imitate multiple turkey sounds can increase the chances of success.

In conclusion, turkey calls are a crucial tool for any turkey hunter. From box calls to mouth calls, each type of call offers different sounds and benefits. It’s important to understand the differences between calls and to know when to use each one. With practice and experience, hunters can master the art of turkey calling and increase their chances of success in the field. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting out, there is a turkey call out there that is perfect for you.